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Najem Custom Made Adriatic Breeze - Split

Leto 2017
Kabine 5
Ugrez 2.2 m
Ležišč 10
Dolžina 26 m
Osebe 10
Tip glavnega jadra 
Kopalnice 5
Rezervoar za vodo 
Wi-Fi in internet
Električni wc
Solarni paneli
Pokaži vso opremo
Dodatne informacije
Tukaj najdete dodatne informacije, ki jih je posredovala charter družba.
Experience the epitome of luxury aboard the Adriatic Breeze, a stunning motor sailor yacht crafted in 2017. With its modern design and quality wood finishes, this vessel offers a spacious salon, deck, and roofed flybridge for relaxation and entertainment.

Accommodating up to 10 guests in 5 double cabins, each equipped with Smart TVs, the Adriatic Breeze ensures comfort and convenience throughout your journey. Enjoy professional Tuna fishing gear and a range of watersports equipment, including a dinghy, Ringo ride, canoes, and paddle boards.

Depart from multiple ports along the Adriatic coast, with flexible check-in and check-out times. Stay cool with 12 hours of air conditioning per day, and enjoy the convenience of home-type toilets and shower boxes in each bathroom.

Embark on an unforgettable adventure along the Adriatic aboard the Adriatic Breeze, where luxury meets excitement at sea.
Dodatne storitve 
Dodatne storitve, ki se plačajo neposredno v marini ob vkrcanju.
Half board:  Breakfast + Lunch (includes Captain’s Dinner last night of the cruise) CHILDREN DISCOUNTS: up to 3 years free of charge, From 4-9 years 50% discount From 10-12 years 30% discount Obvezno 450€ (tedensko / po osebi)
Tourist tax Obvezno 2€ (per guest/night)
Full board:  breakfast + lunch + dinner Neobvezno 650€ (tedensko / po osebi)
Extra meal:  35-45 €/person depending on meal Neobvezno 45€ (po osebi)
Parking:  Please, contact marina for more details Neobvezno 70€ (tedensko)
Pet on board Neobvezno 100€ (po hišnemu ljubljenčku)
Online doctor:  24/7 Neobvezno 30€ (tedensko)
Zavaruj svoje potovanje
Uživaj v miru dopust z zavarovanjem Pantaenius GmbH.
Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance 
Odpoved rezervacije je pokrita za primer nenadne bolezni, poškodbe kapitana ali enega od članov posadke več podrobnosti. Morda ni na voljo za vse države.
Neobvezno od 159.66€ ¹
¹ Cena brez DDV. Cena z DDV bo izračunana glede na državo stalnega prebivališča.
Ocene ladjarja (23)
One damn fine vacation  
I was just looking pictures and videos from this trip. Everything was excelent, weather, sea and ofcourse ship. I had minor issues with wipers because fuse broke twice but everything else 9n the ship was perfect. Team from marenauta was great from start to finish. From lady that checked me in to guys who I retruned the boat, guys that gave me instructions about thr ship and ofcourse Domagoj who was always on the line 24/7 read to answer even a couple of stupid questions that I had. Hopefully I am returning this summer. Congads marenauta and orvas jachting.👍
Avgust 2024, Split, Hrvaška s plovilom Beneteau Antares 9 OB
Maya Bay 2 - Oceanis 35.1  
We had a very good vacation. We were just 2 on board and this size of boat is great for us. The boat is well taken care of and very comfortable and has airconditioning. We got very good assistance from the Base Manager, he is a really nice guy. The boat has an automatic jib so the sail is smaller. We had some days with sunshine and also days with rain and strong winds around 20 knots and also thunder in the night, but we managed to sail to the islands. According to my opinion, the autopilot is not adjusted properly and has difficulties with the waves from the back and the strong wind. Because of the strong winds, all the boats reserved place in the marinas for the night and most of them were already full. The ACI marinas are very expensive, but we managed to find cheaper places who were also good for the night. One night we spend on anchor in a nice bay. The boat has a big water supply which is comfortable also. This is the first time we booked through Marenauta and we had a good experience.
September 2024, Split, Hrvaška s plovilom Beneteau Oceanis 35.1
Vacanza perfetta  
Ringrazio Marenauta e la società di charter per l’ottima organizzazione e l’assistenza quando ho avuto necessità. Grazie
Avgust 2024, Split, Hrvaška s plovilom Beneteau Oceanis 35.1
1 2 3 4 5 6
Kje se nahaja plovilo?
Vreme v Split

Vreme v Split

Julij è il mese più caldo in Split s povprečno temperaturo 24°C (75°F) in najhladnejši mesec je Januar a 7°C (44°F). Mesec, ko je morje najtopleje, je Avgust ko je temperatura morja 25°C (45°F).

Povprečne letne temperature v Split

Sledeči graf prikazuje najvišje in najnižje povprečne temperature za vsak mesec v letu. Ravno tako kaže povprečno temperaturo površine morja.
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • Maj
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Avg
  • Sept
  • Okt
  • Nov
  • Dec
  • 30°C
  • 27°C
  • 24°C
  • 21°C
  • 18°C
  • 15°C
  • 12°C
  • 9°C
  • 6°C
  • 3°C
Najvišja C°
Najnižja C°
Morje C°
Izberi datum odhoda
Check in (prijava)
Check out (odjava)
Vnesi datum odhoda za iskanje cene
Potrjena razpoložljivost
Razpoložljivost in cena tega plovila so bili ažurirani. Možna je takojšnja rezervacija.
Druga plovila, ki bi te utegnila zanimati
Custom Made Adriatic Breeze - Split
Pozicija Split, Hrvaška
Leto 2017
Kabine 5
Ležišč 10
Osebe 10
Tip glavnega jadra 
Kopalnice 5
Dolžina 26 m
Rezervoar za vodo 
Ugrez 2.2 m
Wi-Fi in internet
Električni wc
Solarni paneli
Pokaži vso opremo
Dodatne informacije
Tukaj najdete dodatne informacije, ki jih je posredovala charter družba.
Experience the epitome of luxury aboard the Adriatic Breeze, a stunning motor sailor yacht crafted in 2017. With its modern design and quality wood finishes, this vessel offers a spacious salon, deck, and roofed flybridge for relaxation and entertainment.

Accommodating up to 10 guests in 5 double cabins, each equipped with Smart TVs, the Adriatic Breeze ensures comfort and convenience throughout your journey. Enjoy professional Tuna fishing gear and a range of watersports equipment, including a dinghy, Ringo ride, canoes, and paddle boards.

Depart from multiple ports along the Adriatic coast, with flexible check-in and check-out times. Stay cool with 12 hours of air conditioning per day, and enjoy the convenience of home-type toilets and shower boxes in each bathroom.

Embark on an unforgettable adventure along the Adriatic aboard the Adriatic Breeze, where luxury meets excitement at sea.
Izberi datum odhoda
Check in (prijava)
Check out (odjava)
Vnesi datum odhoda za iskanje cene
Potrjena razpoložljivost
Razpoložljivost in cena tega plovila so bili ažurirani. Možna je takojšnja rezervacija.
Dodatne storitve 
Half board  Obvezno : Breakfast + Lunch (includes Captain’s Dinner last night of the cruise) CHILDREN DISCOUNTS: up to 3 years free of charge, From 4-9 years 50% discount From 10-12 years 30% discount (tedensko / po osebi) 450€
Tourist tax  Obvezno  (per guest/night) 2€
Full board  Neobvezno : breakfast + lunch + dinner (tedensko / po osebi) 650€
Extra meal  Neobvezno : 35-45 €/person depending on meal (po osebi) 45€
Parking  Neobvezno : Please, contact marina for more details (tedensko) 70€
Pet on board  Neobvezno  (po hišnemu ljubljenčku) 100€
Online doctor  Neobvezno : 24/7 (tedensko) 30€
Zavaruj svoje potovanje
Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance  
Odpoved rezervacije je pokrita za primer nenadne bolezni, poškodbe kapitana ali enega od članov posadke več podrobnosti. Morda ni na voljo za vse države.
od 159.66€ ¹
¹ Cena brez DDV. Cena z DDV bo izračunana glede na državo stalnega prebivališča.
Ocene ladjarja
Kje se nahaja plovilo?
Vreme v Split
Druga plovila, ki bi te utegnila zanimati

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Preko 19000 plovil
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Ocena: 4.9/5
izračunano na 15488 mnenja

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