Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 449 /4cab - Lefkas
Lokacija Lefkas, Grčka
Godina 2017
Kabine 4
Ležajeva 10 (8+2)
Osobe 10
Vrsta glavnog jedra Furling
Kupaonica 2
Dužina 13.76 m
Spremnik vode 530 l
Motor 54 CV
Gaz 2.2 m
Električni WC
Solarni paneli
Prikaži svu opremu
Unesi datum polaska
Unesi datum polaska da bi saznao cijenu
Recenzije o vlasniku plovila
Hospitality of the charter
Check-in/out procedure
Assistance in navigation
72 osobe su preporučile ovog vlasnika
Rujna 2024, Borme les Mimosas sa Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 419 (1WC) /3cab
Listopada 2024, Punta Ala sa Bavaria Cruiser 46 /4cab
Srpnja 2024, Olbia sa Bali Catamarans Bali 5.4./CREWED
Srpnja 2024, Olbia sa Bali 5.4./CREWED (3 crew: Captain, Hostess, Chef)
Kolovoza 2023, Athens sa Excess Catamarans Excess 11 CAT
Kolovoza 2023, Lefkas sa Excess Catamarans Excess 11 CAT
Srpnja 2023, Punta Ala sa Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 449
Kolovoza 2023, Skiathos sa Bavaria 46 Cruiser
Srpnja 2023, Pula sa Fountaine Pajot Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40 MAESTRO
Lipnja 2023, Punta Ala sa Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 419
Svibnja 2023, Kos sa Bavaria Bavaria 44 Vision
St Maarten Sailing Trip
Our vacation was good. We enjoyed the sailing and the exploring. Even so, the dynamics of checking out and into countries on a shared island (Dutch and French St Maarten) and then St Barths were complicated during the Year End holidays. The sailing was very easy and we could sail with good winds back from St Barths to St Maarten, reaching 7 knots. The boat was new (Excess 11) and everything worked on it, instruments, sails, kitchen appliances, bathrooms, dingy. St Barths was interesting to visit with the super yachts as our neighbors. The town is incredible with its high-end stores. The vacation was one of exploring which we love. On the negative side, we were surprised to find hidden expenses in the week, such as a 300 euro charge to sail out, under and back through a bridge in St Maarten and the fact that immigration for the boat was higher than expected. Marenauta was efficient. Unfortunately the local owner/administrator of the boat does not have an office and had to be reached through cel phone/whats app connections making the arrangements for the briefing and final sail-out and in, a little more complicated. Marenauta handles good pricing so you can overlook some of the frustrations or complications.
Prosinca 2022, Cole Bay, Saint-Martin sa Excess 11
Kolovoza 2022, Corfu sa Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 440
Svibnja 2022, Mykonos sa Beneteau Oceanis 54
Srpnja 2022, Pula sa Dufour Yachts Dufour 382 GL
Kolovoza 2022, Punta Ala sa Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 449
Rujna 2022, Palermo sa Ocean Star 51.2 - 5 cab.
Avoid NE coast of Sardinia and the charter company (unless your a d...
Unfortunately, we were very very disappointed with our 2 week trip to the NE coast of Sardinia.
First on why we did not like the area:
We initially travelled a bit south of Olbia to Tavolara island, which was very nice, and dammit I wish we had continued south. Instead we headed up, as we originally planned, for most of the holiday to the NE coast, from Olbia to ~Santa Teresa, including the magdelenas. In general, the area is naturally pretty nice. There are just two huge issues: As seems to be endemic to many areas of italy, almost all land is privately owned and closed off. Even in the sham of a national park that is the magdelena islands, 10m from the water on essentially all of the islands you will find a fence with signs marked private land. There do seem to be some trails on islands/coast, but as soon as you step foot on them, you are met with 'privata strada' signs. So you can lie on the garbage covered sand beaches of magdelenas, you cant see anything else on them, as their less national parks, more privately owned villas with massive properties. Finally, we saw many many park employees motorboating around to yachts checking park entry tickets and collecting money. I did not see a single person trying to collect the garbage that has been both washed up, and worse yet, just dumped onto the beaches of their 'national park'. On one beach on Isola Razzoli there was an old washer and dryer dumped on the beach, which had obviously been decaying for years. Disgraceful.
Finally, our holidays were continuously ruined by the crowds in the area. Even in the remoter bays/beaches in the magdelenas your are plagued with :
In the day. Motorboats of slimey domestic tourists blasting horrible music. Often old fat bald leathery mafioso looking douchebags with several (presumably, either officially or in spirit) prostitutes on board. strong pattaya vibe.
In the night: sailing yachts chartered by groups of german bro's, who blast shitty music and shout at the top of their lungs. literally every night, in every bay...
So yeah, you might like the area if your a douche.
We ended up going back to Corsica for 4 days (we had been a few years ago) as we were so fed up with northern Sardinia. We went to areas we were before, but this was by far the highlight (well including tavolara) of our trip.
Just to be clear, we spent 4 days by car in central Sardinia and loved it. Super nice towns/people/parks/hikes/beaches etc.. Its really just the north east that I think has been absolutely ruined.
Second: Dont charter from this company! Our first, only, but definately last charter from them. I dont want to be too long, so Ill bullet our issues we had with the boat:
1. For the boat check in, the employee gave me a sheet of paper and told me to check what I want. highly unprofessional.
2. We were 5 people with a dog on the boat. The Dinghy they supplied us was for 2 people max. We only found out on the second day at sea. Luckily we had brought 3 SUPs.
3. Anchor, chain, windlass: Honestly, I would be shocked to find such a poor set on a ~28 ft boat, let alone our 38fter. The chain was about as thick/large as you find on the mini inflatable 15ft motorboats, and completely rusted. Absolutely unacceptable. We could literally not anchor anywhere if there was more than ~5 knots of wind. We had to have someone on 'anchor' watch at all times. Twice in the night, when we had predicted 0-5 knot winds we had to re-anchor as the anchor slipped. I really dont understand how it could be legal to supply us with a boat with, essentially, no useable anchor, which in an emergency can be a disaster.
4. supplied lifevests/harnesses were a joke, never had anything remotley close to being that bad on a charter.
5. The ladder for the swimming platform for the back of the boat just reached the water: i.e. it was very very difficult to get out of the water. One of crew could not, so in the end we fashioned a rope ladder to use for the trip. Ridiculous.
6. No fans in the ship (for an areawith regualr 30-35 degree nights). Also no inverter in the boat, so no possibility of running your own fan.
7. Only power away from port was 2 usb plugs.
8. the VHF had no MMSI, my messages to the base requesting it were never answered
9. no epirb
10. several window seals were broken, the seal for the fridge was also almost completely gone, rendering it useless.
11. Front hatch/window for the forward cabin was completely broken. We taped it down to minimize leakage into the cabin at sail (still leaked). The other huge issue with this, which we hadnt really considered, is that even if it was removed, without having the hatch angles, the front cabin would get essentially 0 ventilation. Combined with no fans, it was impossible for any of us to sleep in the front cabin at night.
Mnay other more minor gripes, but the boat was absolute garbage. Only plus was that it did sail pretty well.
Rujna 2022, Portisco sa Bavaria Bavaria Cruiser 37 - 3 cab.
Charter kompanija je dala odgovor na ovu recenziju
Ovaj odgovor je osobno mišljenje predstavnika charter kompanije a ne Marenaute.
Srpnja 2022, Punta Ala sa Lagoon 42
Srpnja 2022, Capo d'Orlando sa Bali 4.1
Kolovoza 2021, Corfu sa Bavaria 40 Cruiser
Kolovoza 2021, Lefkas sa Bavaria 37 Cruiser
Kolovoza 2021, Rhodes sa Lagoon 400
Kolovoza 2021, Marsala sa Bavaria 46 Cruiser
Kolovoza 2021, Mykonos sa Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 440
Srpnja 2021, Capo d'Orlando sa Bali Catamarans Bali 4.3
Kolovoza 2021, Capo d'Orlando sa Sun Odyssey 490
Srpnja 2021, Palermo sa Bavaria Cruiser 41
Landscape, nature, historical discoveries
Malta, Comino, Gozo, Linosa, Lampedusa: magnificent ports of call with in each place the possibility to enjoy the sea bed, typical villages and historical discoveries from Prehistory to World War II.
The Dufour 365 GL was built in 2006 and remains in excellent general condition, perfectly maintained, especially the interior woodwork. The sails are 3 years old and remain in excellent condition.
The reception at the base was excellent, with a complete handling and a permanent phone availability. They even organize the refueling of diesel at the end of the cruise.
Srpnja 2021, Kalkara sa Dufour 365 GL
Svibnja 2021, Portisco sa Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 440
Kolovoza 2020, Pola sa Dufour Yachts 412
Kolovoza 2020, Marsala sa Bavaria BAVARIA 40 CRUISER
Listopada 2020, Palermo sa Fountaine Pajot Bahia 46
Rujna 2020, Pula sa Lagoon Catamarans Lagoon 42
Kolovoza 2020, Pola sa Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40
Kolovoza 2020, Lefkada sa Jeanneau SUN LOFT 47
Srpnja 2020, Portisco sa Bavaria Cruiser 41
Kolovoza 2020, Portorosa sa Bali Catamarans 4.1
Kolovoza 2020, Marsala sa Bavaria 46 Cruiser
Srpnja 2020, Capo d'Orlando sa Bali 4.1
Lipnja 2020, Pola sa Dufour 382
Lipnja 2020, Zadar sa Bavaria 44
Kolovoza 2020, Kos sa Dufour 455 GL
Kolovoza 2019, Punta Ala sa Bavaria 46
Kolovoza 2019, Trapani sa Sun Odyssey 36i
Kolovoza 2019, Marsala sa Bavaria 46 Cruiser
Kolovoza 2019, Bormes les Mimosas sa Bavaria cruiser 46
Srpnja 2019, Punta Ala sa Bavaria Cruiser 46
Srpnja 2019, Kos sa Dufour 455 GL
Urlaub von Anfang an
Guiseppe der Manager von Kiriacoulis, ein super Typ, sehr sympathisch, sehr unkompliziert. Alles von Anfang an lief total reibungslos, keine Hektik wie sonst, völlige Entspannung. Auch beim Check Out, super Team, alles ging sehr schnell und wirklich sehr nette Leute. Kann ich nur empfehlen!
Und das beste war, Guiseppe hatte die Bordtoilette umgebaut, in eine elektrische Anlage, was gibt es schöneres!
Srpnja 2019, Portisco sa Bavaria Cruiser 37
Kolovoza 2018, Pola sa Dufour Yachts Dufour 382
Srpnja 2018, Marsala sa Sun Odyssey 49
Lipnja 2018, Punta Ala sa Sun Odyssey 449
Rujna 2018, Marsala sa Bavaria 40 Cruiser
Rujna 2018, Borme les Mimosas sa Bavaria 37 Cruiser
Kolovoza 2018, Punta Ala sa Dufour 410 Grand Large
Srpnja 2018, Marsala sa Bavaria Cruiser 40
Kolovoza 2018, Marsala sa Bavaria 40 Cruiser
Kolovoza 2018, Borme Les Mimosas sa Dehler 38
Barca stupenda, posti meravigliosi, peccato per il fuoribordo
La più bella barca che abbia mai noleggiato, nuova, velocissima, comoda, equipaggiamento in perfetto ordine. Peccato solo per il motore del tender, che ha fatto sempre difficoltà ad accendersi, nonostante fosse relativamente recente.
Ho apprezzato la cortesia e disponibilità del personale alla base nautica, che ci ha concesso di partire in anticipo e di fare il check out di venerdì, evitando la coda del rientro.
I posti sono molto belli e con un po' di accortezza si può evitare l'affollamento agostano.
Purtroppo una settimana è sempre troppo breve, in aggiunta abbiamo avuto due giorni di maltempo che hanno ulteriormente accorciato la navigazione.
Spero comunque di ritornare e vedere quello che ci siamo persi stavolta.
Kolovoza 2018, Pula sa Sun Odyssey 449
Srpnja 2018, Lefkas sa Bavaria Cruiser 46
Srpnja 2018, Pola sa Dufour 412
Srpnja 2018, Borme les Mimosas sa Bavaria Cruiser 36/2cbs
Lipnja 2018, Santa Agata di Militello sa Bavaria 36 cruiser
Marenauta je dala odgovor na ovu recenziju
Ovaj odgovor predstavlja mišljenje Marenaute.
Srpnja 2017, Atene sa Bavaria 46 Cruiser
Kolovoza 2017, Borme Les Mimosas sa Bavaria 45 Cruiser
Kolovoza 2016, Bormes les Mimosas sa Bavaria 38 Cruiser
Kolovoza 2016, Atene sa Lagoon 39
Entspanntes, komfortables Segeln
Sehr preiswertes Angebot, Zustand des Bootes war dem Alter entsprechend, Gebrauchsspuren waren teilweise deutlich (Sprayhood, Bimini, Türen hatten Spiel), aber ohne Einschränkung der Funktionalität. Segel, Motor, Autopilot perfekt. Die Bavaria 38 bietet viel Platz und Stauraum, Stehhöhe, großen Wasservorrat. Das große Steuerrad erschwert den Ein- und Ausstieg, die Heckklappe ist ungünstig. Das Revier ist für Einsteiger und Genießer (auf See und an Land) ideal (Mistraltage sind Hafentage).
Rujna 2015, Bormes les Mimosas sa Bavaria 38
Gdje se nalazi brod?
Vremenska prognoza u Lefkas
Vremenska prognoza u Lefkas
- Sij
- Velj
- Ožu
- Tra
- Svi
- Lip
- Srp
- Kol
- Ruj
- Lis
- Stu
- Pro
- 30°C
- 27°C
- 24°C
- 21°C
- 18°C
- 15°C
- 12°C
- 9°C
- 6°C
- 3°C
Više plovila koja bi vam se mogla svidjeti
searchResult.nBoats: 268
"tipo" : [ "Barca a vela" ],
"anno" : [ "2013:" ],
"durata" : [ null ],
"cabine" : [ "4", "5" ],
"pageSize" : [ "28" ],
"zoomOut" : [ "1" ],
"sb" : [ "realTime", "flexPrecise", "raccomandate" ],
"s" : [ "Lefkas" ],
"prezzoDa" : [ "6501.362" ],
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"prezzoA" : [ "12073.958" ]
As for the Bavaria 37 chartered from Kiriacoulis, we answer for the various points.
1. For the boat check in, the employee gave me a sheet of paper and told me to check what I want. highly unprofessional.
This is the usual professional procedure. First of all, a skipper must know the boat on which he gets on board: only in this way is he able to make the most of the subsequent check-in with our staff, ask the right questions and clarify any doubts.
And that is just what happened later, when the client had the regular and complete check-in with our staff.
It is the opposite that would have been “unprofessional”: just to have a little lesson without being aware of a complex system such as a boat.
2. We were 5 people with a dog on the boat. The Dinghy they supplied us was for 2 people max. We only found out on the second day at sea. Luckily we had brought 3 SUPs.
The boat is a 37-footer. Dinghy is perfectly suited to the size of the boat.
3. Anchor, chain, windlass: Honestly, I would be shocked to find such a poor set on a ~28 ft boat, let alone our 38fter. The chain was about as thick/large as you find on the mini inflatable 15ft motorboats, and completely rusted. Absolutely unacceptable. We could literally not anchor anywhere if there was more than ~5 knots of wind. We had to have someone on 'anchor' watch at all times. Twice in the night, when we had predicted 0-5 knot winds we had to re-anchor as the anchor slipped. I really dont understand how it could be legal to supply us with a boat with, essentially, no useable anchor, which in an emergency can be a disaster.
The anchor is a 16 kg. Delta and the chain is 8mm as supplied by Bavaria.
4. supplied lifevests/harnesses were a joke, never had anything remotley close to being that bad on a charter.
All lifevests on our boats are Lalizas, 12402 certified ISO with 170 newton of buoyancy and are approved by SOLAS and perfectly working and fitting, as are harnesses.
5. The ladder for the swimming platform for the back of the boat just reached the water: i.e. it was very very difficult to get out of the water. One of crew could not, so in the end we fashioned a rope ladder to use for the trip. Ridiculous.
No comment. Note that no other crew has ever complained about this.
6. No fans in the ship (for an areawith regualr 30-35 degree nights). Also no inverter in the boat, so no possibility of running your own fan.
Inverter is not a standard equipment on these boats.
7. Only power away from port was 2 usb plugs.
This is the standard Bavaria equipment.
8. the VHF had no MMSI, my messages to the base requesting it were never answered
MMSI is clearly indicated on boat’s documents, on board.
9. no epirb
This type of boat is not supposed of going further than 50 NM from the coast and epirb is not mandatory.
10. several window seals were broken, the seal for the fridge was also almost completely gone, rendering it useless.
One window seal was broken: the client was perfectly aware from the beginning as this was shown to the client at the check-in. It was broken by previous crew and it was impossible to get the spare part on time.
11. Front hatch/window for the forward cabin was completely broken. We taped it down to minimize leakage into the cabin at sail (still leaked). The other huge issue with this, which we hadnt really considered, is that even if it was removed, without having the hatch angles, the front cabin would get essentially 0 ventilation. Combined with no fans, it was impossible for any of us to sleep in the front cabin at night.
Mnay other more minor gripes, but the boat was absolute garbage. Only plus was that it did sail pretty well.
Your general opinion on this vacation: 1/5
We strongly reject the definition “absolute garbage” for our boat. It is not. And it was not the rating of the boat and the charter that Mr. Nuri gave us verbally when his vacation ended.
But more important than words are documents. On the Note Delivery Form compiled and signed by Mr. Nuri at check out, nothing and no claim are reported.
And Mr. Nuri checked a gratifying “YES” to the answer “If you will charter a yacht again, would you ask for a Kiriacoulis charter?”